I Wonder if Hillary Is Drinking as Much as I Am Right Now
The Democratic National Convention is in full swing and I cannot bear to watch it. I love Michelle Obama, and I’m sure she gave a great opening speech, but most of the line-up is so problematic I find myself reaching for a second glass of Coppola Claret before the coverage even begins.
My husband is glued to the tube while I slink off to read the latest Harlan Coben thriller or watch any murder and mayhem I can manage to find on the web — a lot, thankfully.
Conspicuously absent from said lineup is, of course, my girl Hillary, in spite of the fact that SHE WON THE POPULAR VOTE in our last fateful election. Her famously philandering IMPEACHED husband (who is also linked with the late nefarious Jeffrey Epstein) nevertheless is on the dais—talk about white male privilege. And yes, she may have sounded a tad bitter in her book, but do you blame her? As a fellow NASTY WOMAN, I’m right there with her.
I mean, c’mon. Tammy Wynette ain’t got nothin’ on Hillary!
She stood by her man through the most humiliating public outing in memory, but instead of being admired and praised for her steadfastness she was tarred and feathered, mocked and maligned. Yet she rose from the ashes to become a highly regarded New York State Senator and President Obama’s Secretary of State. And now, here she is, the DNC elephant in the room, the female Voldemort, “She Who Shall Not Be Named.”
I really need to pour another glass.
Since the COVID-19 crisis struck, there has been so much chaos, tragedy and disinformation. While our “Fearless Leader” tweeted inanities, I fantasized about making up some of those kitschy Christian wristbands but emblazoning them instead with WWHD. I mean, who can deny what a different world this would be right now with Hillary at the helm?
Hillary, wherever you are tonight, I hoist this last glass to you. You are truly a class act, and you deserve so much better.
Well, well, well.
It appears my girl Hillary is alive and totally rocking an old-school flip hairdo in Chappaquiddick, NY, from where she gave a brief but eloquent speech during tonight’s DNC Women for Biden segment.
It was great to see her, but I have to ask: why was HRC relegated to this brief appearance during a Women for Biden segment when she should have been one of the main speakers?
I still say she deserves better.
Nasty Women Call to Arms!
Nasty Women Poets: Unapologetic Anthology of Subversive Verse.
“When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man’s concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.”
John F. Kennedy
I love your WWHD idea. Yes, wrist bracelets! In the “old days” you would have researched how to get them made and started producing them! Well, we’ve learned that it takes good marketing to make anything happen. Of course with this blog?! Super website.